Yesterday (November 9, 2010) began the hajj - the annual Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca. This year's expected record number of Muslims - 3.4 million in five days of pilgrimage . Pilgrims perform a few rituals, including walking around the Kaaba on Mount Arafat and the ritual beating of the devil. At the end of Hajj, 16 November, the world begins a three-day feast of Eid al-Adha.
A Muslim prays at the top of Mount Noor during the annual hajj pilgrimage in Mecca on November 9. (REUTERS / Mohammed Salem)
General view of the holy city of Mecca to Mount Noor on 13 November. (MUSTAFA OZER / AFP / Getty Images)
Saudis embroideri ng with gold thread blanket of silk, so-called Kisvu. This veil is used to cover the Kaaba. At the top of Kisvy band are embroidere d with gold thread text from the end of the Hajj Korana.Po Kisvu replace - hang the new and the old cut into pieces and sold to pilgrims as sacred relics. (MUSTAFA OZER / AFP / Getty Images)
Indian Muslim with a rosary at the Internatio nal Airport Sardar Vallabhbha y in Allahabad on October 26 before heading to Mecca. (SAM PANTHAKY / AFP / Getty Images)
Saudis in the newly opened Subway in Mecca on November 2. Metro Monorail, built by the Chinese, connects with the sacred cities of Mecca, Mina, Arafat and Muzdalifa. It was opened in early November, the beginning of the Hajj. During the launch of the metro was completed in 35%, mostly Saudis, who went on a pilgrimage . (AMER HILABI / AFP / Getty Images)
Saudi special forces demonstrat ed their skills during a military parade, which took place in Makkah before Hajj on November 10. (MUSTAFA OZER / AFP / Getty Images)
Saudi special forces on parade in Mecca on November 10. (MUSTAFA OZER / AFP / Getty Images)
Saudi workers loaded bottles of water, "Zamzam in Mecca on November 7. According to Islamic belief, Zamzam - a wonderful source of water that appeared thousands of years ago by the will of God, when Abraham's son Ishmael, crying and suffering from thirst, hit the ground. Every year millions of pilgrims come to the well of Zamzam during the Hajj, to drink holy water. (MUSTAFA OZER / AFP / Getty Images)
Thousands of tents with Muslim pilgrims in Mina, near Mecca, on November 14. (AP Photo / Hassan Ammar)
Muslim Hajj came to the cave of Hira on Mount Noor evening of 13 November. According to legend, the Prophet Muhammad had a vision that he must preach Islam, when he prayed in this cave. (MUSTAFA OZER / AFP / Getty Images)
Praying pilgrims filled the streets near the mosque Namir on 15 November. (AP Photo / Hassan Ammar)
Muslim pilgrims pray at the mosque in Namir Arafat, near Mecca, on November 15. (AP Photo / Hassan Ammar)
Ambulance parked among thousands of Muslim pilgrims near the mosque, Namir, which is located on Mount Arafat, to the south-east of the holy city of Mecca. Pilgrims came to the plain of Arafat, Mecca and Mina before sunrise on Nov. 15 for the main ritual - going around the place where the Prophet Mohammed have read his farewell sermon 1378 years ago. The pilgrims spent the day at Arafat, meditating and reading the Koran. (MUSTAFA OZER / AFP / Getty Images)
Muslim pilgrims go to the rocks of Arafat near Mecca on November 15. (AP Photo / Hassan Ammar)
A Muslim with his daughter at Mount Arafat in the holy city of Mecca on November 15. (REUTERS / Mohammed Salem)
Pilgrims on Mount Arafat on November 15. (AP Photo / Hassan Ammar)
Pilgrims climb the cliffs on Mount Arafat on November 15. (AP Photo / Hassan Ammar)
Muslim pilgrim reads the Koran at Mount Noor during the Hajj on November 11. (REUTERS / Mohammed Salem)
Muslims have a rest in Mina on November 15 during the Hajj. (REUTERS / Fahad Shadeed)
Great Mosque and the clock with four dials on the top of the towers Abraj Al-Bait on November 11. (AP Photo / Hassan Ammar)
Muslim prayers on Mount Arafat at sunset on November 15. (AP Photo / Hassan Ammar)
Muslim pilgrims pray at the top of Arafat to the southeast from Mecca on November 15. (MUSTAFA OZER / AFP / Getty Images)
Muslims touch the pillar Jabal Al-Ram on Mount Arafat and write in her prayer. (AP Photo / Hassan Ammar)
Leaning his head against a column Jabal al-Ram, Muslim pilgrims pray at the top of Arafat on November 15. (AP Photo / Hassan Ammar)
Large clock tower at the new Abraj Al Bait tower over tens of thousands of Muslim pilgrims who had gathered around the Kaaba in the Great Mosque in Mecca on November 10. (AP Photo / Hassan Ammar)
The Muslims surrounded the Kaaba in the center of the Great Mosque on November 11. (REUTERS / Mohammed Salem)
Tens of thousands of Muslims pray in the Great Mosque in Mecca. (AP Photo / Hassan Ammar)
Muslim pilgrims pray in front of the Great Mosque in Mecca on November 12. (MUSTAFA OZER / AFP / Getty Images)
Muslim pilgrims walk around the Kaaba inside the Grand Mosque in Mecca on November 13. (AP Photo / Hassan Ammar)
এই সেই ঐতিহাসিক স্থান যেখানে তুফান ই নূহ শুরু হয়েছিলো।ঐ তুফানে কাফিররা ধ্বংস হয়ে যায়।আল্লাহ র অশেষ কুদরতে নূহ (আ:) সেই ঐতিহাসিক নৌকার মাধমে বেচে যান।
Muslim pilgrims are drawn to touch the golden door of the Kaaba during traversal of the Great Mosque in Mecca in the morning on November 9. (MUSTAFA OZER / AFP / Getty Images)
এটি ঐতিহাসিক উহুদ যুদ্ধের ময়দান।এখানে ই শাহাদাত বরন করেন আমাদের প্রিয় নবী হযরত মুহাম্মদ (স:) এর ৭০ জন সাথী এবং হামজা (রা:) ।
দেখুন কাবা শরীফএর ভিতরের র্দুলভ ছবি ।
পবিত্র কাবা শরীফ পরিস্কার করার জন্যে এর দরজা বছরে দুইবার খোলা হয়। রমজান এর ১৫ দিন আগে এবং হজ্জ এর ১৫ দিন আগে। কাবা শরীফের দরজার চাবি বনী সায়বা নামক এক গোত্রের কাছে থাকে (মহানবী মুহাম্মদ (সাঃ) এই চাবী এই গোত্রের কাছে দিয়েছিলেন, যা কিয়ামতের আগ পর্যন্ত তাদের কাছেই থাকবে)। তারা কাবা শরীফ পরিস্কার করার কাজের জন্য বিভিন্ন মুসলিম দেশের প্রেসিডেন্ ট, মন্ত্রী, কুটনীতিক ও গন্যমান্য ব্যক্তিদের দের অভিবাদন জানান। মক্কা শহরের গভর্নর তাদের কাবা শরীফের ভিতরে নিয়ে যান এবং তারা জমজম কুপের পানি এবং গোলাপ জল দিয়ে কাবা শরীফের ভিতর পরিস্কার করেন।