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Friday, November 12, 2010

10 Health Conditions to Watch for as You Age

Keeping an Eye on Your Health as You Age
Medically reviewed by Cynthia Haines, MD

Public interest in senior health is booming as the United States experiences an unprecedented increase in its senior population. By 2030, 1 in 5 Americans will be age 65 or older, for a total of about 71 million seniors. Certain health problems are more common as you age, but fortunately there are many steps you can take to maintain your health well into your later years. Learning about these common conditions is your first step.

1.Osteoporosis: A Threat to Your Bones


Healthy bones are critical to senior health. As you age, your body begins to absorb old bone tissue faster than new bone tissue can be created, and your bones tend to become thinner and weaker. This leads to a condition known as osteoporosis, a disease in which bones become very fragile and can easily break during a fall or even when you're making everyday movements. More than 1.5 million fractures occur every year due to osteoporosis. The condition in and of itself has no symptoms, so ask your doctor to schedule you for a a bone density test , called a DEXA scan, to check the health of your bones. These scans can identify osteoporosis and a less serious loss of bone density called osteopenia.

2.Macular Degeneration: A Threat to Your Sight

macular degeneration

Vision often begins to deteriorate with age, but the age-related vision problem called macular degeneration is a serious threat to sight. In people with this condition, the part of the eye that allows you to see fine detail, the macula, begins to break down over time. The macula is located in the center of the retina, the back of the eye wall that senses light and helps transmit images to the brain. With macular degeneration, central vision becomes blurry, and you might have trouble reading or recognizing faces. People age 75 or older have a 30 percent risk of developing macular degeneration, so be sure to schedule regular eye check-ups to look for any signs of vision trouble.

3.Glaucoma: A Vision Thief


Another age-related health problem affecting vision is glaucoma. Most types of glaucoma involve an increase in the fluid pressure inside the eye, which can gradually damage the optic nerve that connects the retina to the brain. Researchers believe more than 4 million Americans have glaucoma, but only half are aware of their condition. There are no symptoms at first, but a person with glaucoma can gradually lose peripheral vision and eventually even direct vision may be affected. Because glaucoma can result in blindness if left untreated, your ophthalmologist or optometrist will check for glaucoma as part of regular office visits. If you don't yet have an eye doctor, make an appointment to see one.

4.Hearing Loss: An Obstacle to Social Life

hearing loss

About 43 percent of Americans with hearing loss are age 65 or older, making this an important issue in senior health. The most common form of age-related hearing loss is presbycusis, in which the ability to hear high-pitched sounds gradually decreases. Noise-induced hearing loss, the second most common type, occurs when you're exposed to loud sounds over time. In both cases, the ability to hear high-frequency sounds usually is lost first. You may have difficulty hearing hard, high-pitched consonants like "S" or the voices of women or children. Don't let hearing loss rob you of the ability to socialize with friends and family – ask your doctor about getting regular hearing tests, and use a hearing aid if it will help.

5.Alzheimer's Disease: Loss of Memory and Thought

alzheimer's disease

Alzheimer's disease erodes the ability to remember and think clearly, eventually rendering some people helpless to perform even basic tasks. It's a progressive disease of the brain and is irreversible. Researchers estimate between 2.4 and 4.5 million Americans have Alzheimer's, most older than 60. People developing Alzheimer's often will experience memory lapses at first. However, if you find yourself feeling forgetful, don't automatically assume the worst — normal aging affects memory, too. Just check in with your doctor if you're concerned.

6.Cognitive Impairment: More Than Just Aging

cognitive impairment

Mild cognitive impairment is the medical term for age-related memory loss that has not become Alzheimer's but is more serious than what typically occurs with aging. Your lifetime chance of having some form of cognitive impairment is 68 percent if you are age 65 and older. People with mild cognitive impairment can carry on conversations and solve problems, but they're often forgetful and can become confused when taking on more complex tasks like paying bills or following multiple-step directions. If you think that you or someone close to you may have symptoms of cognitive impairment, ask you doctor for an evaluation.

7.Incontinence: An Issue for Men and Women


Urinary incontinence is another problem that affects the health of many seniors. Women older than 50 are most likely to have the condition, becausepelvic muscles lose strength and become less able to control the bladder with age. Men with enlarged prostate glands, another symptom of aging, also are likely to have incontinence. If you experience incontinence, speak to your doctor about the many available treatments.

8.Arthritis: A Threat to Mobility


Arthritis is a common condition that affects one in every six Americans, amounting to nearly 43 million people in the United States. Arthritis occurs when the fluid and cartilage in a joint wears out, causing bones to scrape against each other and create pain. The most common form of arthritis affecting senior health is osteoarthritis, which results from a lifetime of wear and tear on the joints — especially in the fingers, hips, knees, wrists, and spine. There are many treatments for arthritis, so don't hesitate to consult your doctor for help if you're having joint pain.

9.Loss of Balance: Another Threat to Mobility

losing balance

As people grow older, they often report problems maintaining balance. About 8 million Americans have chronic difficulties with balance, and 2.4 million Americans have chronic dizzy spells during old age. While inner ear problems are often the cause, some balance problems are due to medications they're taking or other medical conditions. If you feel as though the room is spinning around you or that you are moving even when you're sitting still, be sure to let your doctor know as soon as possible.

10.Constipation: More Than a Digestive Annoyance


More than 4 million people in the United States experience frequent constipation, with adults ages 65 and older most often complaining of the ailment. Doctors define constipation as having fewer than three bowel movements in a week. Constipation occurs when the colon absorbs too much water from food passing through it, resulting in hard, dry stools. Lack of fiber in your diet, lack of physical activity, and dehydration are among the possible reasons for constipation. Check in with your doctor if irregularity is a regular issue for you.


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